Barrier Free 2019 Invitation

ManKind Project USA presents
Barrier Free NWTA

Sleeping Dog Ranch, Prescott, AZ

Prescott, AZ – The Southwest Community of the ManKind Project USA will present the first ever Barrier Free NWTA (New Warrior Training Adventure), taking place in Prescott, Arizona August 23 through the 25, 2019, including both staff and participants with varying physical abilities and challenges. This is a “Gateway” training for men with physical disabilities.

The NWTA is a modern male initiation and self-examination. The ManKind Project believes that this is crucial to the development of a healthy and mature male self, no matter how old a man is. MKP asks men to stop living vicariously through movies, TV, addictions and distractions and step up into their own adventure – in real time, surrounded by other men. Dee Spitler, the host and a certified NWTA Co-Leader, has been busy preparing the site to be more accessible for men with physical disabilities. Dee says, “After 20 years of personal growth with the ManKind Project, I have found ‘my’ tribe of men who accept me, support me, and teach me what it is to be a man, no matter what barriers and challenges show up for me. To finally realize my mission, my purpose in life, is what motivates me every day, even the hard days.”

Jim Mulenos, another member of the certified leader team, referring to MKP USA’s slogan, added, “’Changing the world one man at a time’ is a magnificent vision, and my DNA knows that initiation is every man’s birthright.  The men who came for me made my life of choice and empowerment possible.  And it’s high time that every man truly have the same; no bars, no chains, equal access and barrier free.  Join us, are you ready?”

A diverse staff from around the globe have been meeting regularly since early February to prepare for this groundbreaking NWTA, with the intention of providing similar Gateway trainings regularly around the world. The Barrier Free NWTA is designed to allow men of varying physical abilities to experience a breakthrough weekend of connection, understanding, and empowerment.

The Full-Leader of the training, Greg Gondron, is no stranger to Gateway NWTAs. He has been instrumental in founding GBTQ and Deaf/Hard of hearing NWTAs and has been leading them nationwide for years. Greg said, “Each of us has a unique story, one to be witnessed and shared. We are creating a training for men to examine barriers, real or imagined, while discovering their gifts, value, and abilities in a safe, compassionate space.”

The Mankind Project is a global nonprofit organization inclusive of men of all backgrounds, orientations, ages, faiths, no faiths, and now, varying abilities and challenges.